Caprese Salad

Plate of Caprese Salad

Celebrate summer’s harvest with a Caprese salad. Ripe tomatoes and mozzarella star in this salad, with basil and olive oil in essential supporting roles. Salt and pepper complete the performance. Voilà! You have summer in the form of a salad!… Read more

It’s the weekend!

It's the weekend! Number 303, Sunlight Shines on a Dirt Road After a Rain

After a few busy, hot days on the mainland, we’re back on Martha’s Vineyard, enjoying the smells of honeysuckle and ocean air. Two luna moths greeted us when we arrived last night — the best welcome I can imagine. Rainy weather continues to hang around the East coast, but we’ll sneak in trips to the beach between raindrops and fog.

Have a wonderful July weekend!… Read more