An upside to freezing cold temperatures is the opportunity to make and display ice candle holders outside our home. The ice candle holders are stunning as they reflect the flames of votive candles in the darkness.
We saw these ice candle holders in one of the neighborhoods on our local walk. Several houses had them displayed close to the street and we immediately imagined the street lit up with flickering candles on a cold winter night. As soon as we had another freeze, we made some for our house.
When you have freezing temperatures, you can make these ice candle holders using household buckets.

You need the following items to make ice candle holders.
- One or more buckets, depending on how many candle holders you want to make.
We started with buckets that we had in the house for cleaning, but we now use bigger buckets from a local bakery that was done with them.
It is fine if the bucket is larger on top than the bottom. The top will become the bottom of the ice candle holder. - An extra empty bucket to support the ice candle holder when you take it out of the bucket it freezes in.
- A kettle or pot in which to heat water.
- One or more candles. I use votive candles.
- If using small candles, I recommend putting the candle in a small jar to help block the wind.
Here’s how to make ice candle holders. You need to do this when temperatures are freezing.
1. Fill Buckets and Place Them Outside
Fill your buckets almost to the top with water and place them on a flat surface outside to let them freeze.

You don’t want the water to freeze solid. The exterior walls, top, and bottom will freeze first. You want water to remain in the center.
The amount of time needed to freeze the water will vary based on the size of your bucket and the outside temperatures. We usually keep the buckets outside for one or two nights.

2. Release Ice From Bucket
You want to do this carefully, so that the ice does not fall to the ground and crack as it slides from the bucket.
Heat water to boiling (or close to it) in a kettle and bring it outside.
If you have an extra empty bucket, place it upside down on the ground. Invert the bucket with the frozen water over it and rest the top of the ice on the bottom bucket.
Slowly pour the hot water over the ice bucket, listening for when the ice releases from the sides of the bucket.

3. Remove Top Bucket
Slowly slide the bucket off of the ice.

4. Create an Opening on Top of Ice
The ice is thinner on the new top of the ice (you inverted it in the last step). You can see the water inside.

Gently break away some of the top ice, near the center of the circle. You should be able to use your hand to tap it and break it. If that doesn’t work, use a small kitchen tool, such as a heavy spoon or meat mallet. The hole only needs to be big enough to fit a candle inside.

5. Pour Out Water
Carefully tilt the ice to drain the water from the ice candle holder.

6. Place Ice Candle Holder for Display
Put the ice candle holder where you want to display it, with the opening on the top.

7. Add Candle and Light in Evening
Insert a candle into the ice candle holder. I like to put a votive candle in a small jar, then put it inside the candle holder.

When it is dark, light the candles and enjoy! Your neighbors and passersby will get a lot of pleasure out of the candle sparkling in the night.

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