An upside to freezing cold temperatures is the opportunity to make and display ice candle holders outside our home. The ice candle holders are stunning as they reflect the flames of votive candles in the darkness.… Read more
It’s the weekend!
I’m looking forward to some simple pleasures this weekend, taking different walking routes than my weekday routes and baking a batch of cookies.
I hope that you have a great weekend!… Read more
It’s the weekend!
I’m looking forward to a long walk on Saturday, because I haven’t had much outdoor time lately. Sunday might not be as nice, but I have lots of indoor activities to look forward to.
Have a warm and cozy weekend and enjoy having more daylight each day!… Read more
Favorite Things, Ottawa in Winter
Ottawa in winter. Dagain flies over the city in a crystal-clear cold sky (sculpture by Bruce Garner).… Read more