It’s the weekend!

  1. I’m

I am looking forward to having dinner with our good friend and former neighbor, Kathleen, this weekend. I’m also hoping for good weather, so that we can take long walks.

Enjoy your weekend!

I’m on the cusp of celebrating making it through January. It took some real focus to find my way through this extraordinarily long month.

I tried to focus on the things that bring me joy, like the red fox that’s been trotting through our backyard this winter, its red and white tail so full and fluffy. What a beautiful animal.  I’ve loved the crunch, crunch, crunch of snow under our feet as we walk through our neighborhood park. We haven’t had a lot of snow, but what we have had has been beautiful. On cold evenings, we watch the flicker of candles reflected in the ice holders we make when temperatures reach freezing.

Other pleasures are the resident mockingbird who is slowly eating our red winterberries. He’s been hanging around our front yard for a couple of months. Warm, cozy meals in front of a fire. Sipping the chamomile tea my son brought back from London. Having a meal with friends. Museum visits. While most of our museum visits were just before the start of January, we went back to the Isabella Stewart Gardner museum this month. We’ve agreed that we need more museum visits and are excited that we can visit them any time we want now that we are retired.

I also escape into books, movies, and television shows. I’d love to have seasons worth of a show like Schitt’s Creek, with the accompanying humor, love, and empathy. Schitt’s Creek helped me escape during the first year of Covid.

Here’s what I have to share this weekend.

About the photo: Branches of a Norfolk Pine at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum.

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