It’s the weekend!

It's the weekend! Number 345, Purple Clematis in a Bouquet

I’m looking forward to being back on the island this weekend. There might be pancakes one day, made with wild blueberries from the island!

Have a nice summer weekend. I hope that you are safe from the effects of Hurricane Debby.

Tom and I had quite a car saga recently. We had planned to look for a car to replace my 14-year-old, much-loved vehicle this month. As much as I didn’t want to let go of my car, it was starting to need more and more repairs. Things didn’t quite go as smoothly as we had hoped.

The week before we left for Martha’s Vineyard in June, the car needed a new wheel bearing. Our terrific mechanic was able to fix it two days before we left for the island. We were down to the wire on that little surprise.

Just after arriving on the island, the check engine light came on. Tom took it to a mechanic who read the error codes, so that we could send them to our mechanic at home. The car was running and we were able to drive it home a month later to drop off at the mechanic’s shop.

To complicate matters, Tom’s car had been rear-ended and had to go into the body shop for repairs. On the day we returned to Arlington, we left my car with our mechanic, picked up a rental car, and dropped Tom’s car off at the body shop. Then we started our search for a replacement car.

After spending time working on my car, our mechanic explained that he couldn’t easily fix it. He suggested that we limit our driving of it, so that it didn’t break down on us. We anxiously parked it in the driveway.

The next few days were filled with dealership visits and test drives. Luckily, we found another car and traded in my old car a few days later. I will get the replacement car later this month and Tom’s car is back from the body shop looking brand new.

It was so good to get past that stressful adventure!

And with that long story finished, here’s what I am sharing this weekend.

About the photo: Closeup of clematis in a beautiful flower bouquet given to me by Louis and Jorja.

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