It’s the weekend!

It's the weekend! Number 211, Pouring Tompkins Sparkling Wine Into Vintage Glasses

I’m excited about the weekend and a week of vacation ahead! I’m hoping for lots of beach time and playing Pro Kadima every day!

I hope that you have a wonderful weekend!

Here on the island, we’re sharing our lives with the local wildlife. Deer and turkeys wander through our yard daily. One deer comes to raid the bird feeders. It reaches his face up to the feeder and tilts the feeder, so that the seed pours directly into its mouth. The turkeys come along after the deer, gobbling loudly and eating all of the seed that landed on the ground. A four-legged creature (deer or rabbit) bit off all the stems in two large pots of flowers. The destruction wasn’t to enjoy eating the plants. The stems, including the flowers, were left on the ground. I put them in a vase, so that I could enjoy them inside for a little while. I’m still wondering why an animal would bite off so many stems when it didn’t like the taste of them. I’ll have to investigate in my spare time.

I’ll be taking next week off from posting on the blog. See you soon!

About the photo: Pouring glasses of Tompkins Sparkling Wine from the Ports of New York Winery. The vintage wine glasses are lovely and the wine was delicious!

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