It’s the weekend!

It's the weekend! Number 347, Clouds Overhead Look Like Cotton Balls

This weekend, I’m looking forward to sunny beach time with friends and consuming lots of fresh tomatoes.

Have a fantastic weekend!

There’s a slight chill in the air lately. I’m embracing these late summer days, as every summer lover does. Butterflies and hummingbirds still hover around the butterfly bushes. My hydrangeas have a few blue blooms left. The cicadas still buzz in the hot afternoon sun. While the days are a little bit shorter, they are much longer than they will be in December and I’m here for all the sunsets.

Could the corn and tomatoes be any better than they are right now? They are scrumptious! Roadside stands display tin cans of flowers, piles of summer squash, and overflowing pints of cherry tomatoes. On Instagram Barbara Kingsolver is sharing her piles of tomatoes and how she processes them to enjoy when the season is over. It’s impressive.

Here’s what I have to share this weekend:

About the photo: A row of clouds catching the sun as they pass overhead.

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