It’s the weekend!

It's the weekend! Number 338, Flowers and Herbs for Sale

I’m looking forward to eating Greek food and listening to Greek music at a local Greek festival this weekend. I love the stuffed grape leaves! I’m also hoping to get some gardening done. The weeds have taken over!

Have a great weekend!

When Tom and I returned from Paris last month, the white azaleas in our front yard were in full bloom and absolutely glorious. We felt so lucky to have arrived back at home in time to see the display. When we returned from Martha’s Vineyard this week, the azalea blooms were gone, but the peonies, salvia, and foxgloves were flowering. More breathtaking beauty. The foxgloves are especially welcome, because they only flower every other year. It’s a long wait for their arrival.

My vegetable garden was not so rewarding. Something had dug under the fence — possibly the culprit that ate every pea plant to the ground? I may never know. Lettuce and spinach seeds hadn’t sprouted, but the weeds made an appearance! So many weeds. I usually spread salt marsh hay as soon as I finish planting, but I didn’t have time. I’ll be busy getting rid of the weeds before I put down the hay, which Tom offered to pick up for me this week.

A neighbor kindly gave me some spinach volunteers from her garden. I know from previous years how good Katina’s spinach is and I’m excited to grow more.

I’ll pull the weeds, plant cucumbers under the pea trellis, replant spinach, and put down the hay. I’m hoping that I can make progress on that this weekend.

I hope that you are having a productive week and that something beautiful is growing in your yard or on a pot on your deck.

Here’s what I have to share this weekend.

About the photo: Flowers and herbs for sale outside a flower shop in Paris.

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