Favorite Things, Front Door Sunbursts

Front Door Sunburst over Red Front Door

One of my favorite house architectural details is the sunburst. The design of rays emanating outward from a center point is often placed over a front door. I’ve started taking photos of sunbursts and wanted to share them.

I love the detail of wood layers carefully arranged in a semicircle in this sunburst found on an old house. You can tell it has been painted many times.

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Favorite Things, Daylilies, II

Favorite Things, Peach and Yellow Daylilies

As summer wanes, I’m sharing photos of the beautiful daylilies that I admired this season. I still have a few daylilies flowering in my yard, but it won’t be long before they drop their final blooms and take a break until next year.

I gravitated to the yellow and orange lilies this year and the photos remind me of the sun’s journey through the day. … Read more